Spots for Quick Snacks

Monday, November 8, 2010

Side Dish: Almond Glazed Brussel Sprouts by Jess

Brussel Sprouts are one of my favorite veggies and almond butter is up there on my list of favorties as well so these two are a match made in heaven. Sounds weird but Almond Butter Glazed Brussel Sprouts are DE-LI-CIOUS and nutritious!! Enjoy these with your lean protein source of choice!

1 lb. brussels sprouts
2 tbsp smooth unsalted almond butter
2 tsp soy sauce (trivial amount)
2 tsp raw organic honey
2 tsp fresh lemon juice
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp coconut oil
1 clove garlic

- Trim about ¼ inch from bottom of each sprout.
- Separate and remove loose outer leaves of each sprout.
- Place leaves into a bowl and set aside.
- Slice each sprout in half.
- In a separate small bowl, whisk together almond butter, 1 ½ tbsp water, soy sauce, honey, lemon juice and cayenne. Set aside.
- Heat oil in a medium nonstick sauté pan over medium- high heat.
- Add garlic and halved sprout centers and sear for about 1 minute.
- Add leaves and sauté until light golden brown and wilted, about 4-6 minutes.
- Add about 2 tbsp water to pan and stir once.
- Reduce heat to medium, pour in almond butter mixture and stir until sprouts are coated.
- Cook for about 30-60 seconds longer, until sauce has thickened slightly.
- Remove from heat and serve immediately.

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